Impact Of Stress in Our Physical Health
Impact of stress in our physical health
In this chaotic life of ours , stress is something which is faced by everyone, it is a normal part of
life. We can feel stressed out over a relationship, money or our living situation and even positive
life changes such as birth of a child , promotion can also produce stress like this the list is
endless. So , the very first question which pop up in everyone's mind after reading this is what
is stress?
Stress is the body's reaction to any change that requires an adjustment or response. It is a
feeling of emotional and physical tension. It refers to experiencing events which are perceived
as endangering to our physical or psychological well-being. In short burst, stress can be
positive , it is when it helps you to avoid an upcoming danger or it helps you to meet a deadline.
But it turns out to be very unhealthy when it becomes chronic , it may harm your physical
well being. Chronic stress has an adverse effect in our physical health. Lets see how stress can
impact physically.
Many a times most of the people don't realize that stress can also act as a factor for physical
ailments, as one can become so use to chronic stress that they don't realize it until it become
really problematic, if it is not managed well it can lead to various health related problems.
When someone is in a state of chronic stress their body stay alert ,even though there is no
danger . Overtime, this puts you at risks of health problems including __
High blood pressure : The hormones temporarily increase your blood pressure by causing
your heart to beat faster. There is no proof that stress can directly lead to hypertension but
reacting to stress in an unhealthy way can increase the risk of high blood pressure.
Upset stomach :Stress has a very common physical symptom which focus around our
digestive system. We often find that when we are going through a stressful period in our life
our stomach act in a very different way than in normal days. It is because stress can decrease
the blood flow and oxygen to the stomach which cause abdominal pain , gastrointestinal
disorders etc.
Immune system: When we suffer from chronic stress the body's ability to fight antigens is reduced . It is because stress hormone cortisol decrease the functioning of immune system , which makes us susceptible to infections and various other diseases.
Obesity/Weight Loss: Researchers have found that there is a direct link between
stress and obesity . It is because during stress biochemical changes occurs which in turn
trigger cravings, so it is often seen that most of the people who are stressed overeats which
results in obesity,that causes even more stress in some individuals. But this is not always the
case. Some people even experience severe weight loss when suffering from chronic stress.
Stress may lead to frequent missed meal, poor food choices and also in extreme case complete
lose of desire to eat, which results in severe weight loss.
Mensurational problems :Stress has an adverse effect in the mensuration cycle. Women
suffering from chronic stress often experience irregular periods ,it is because stress causes
many hormonal changes. When hormonal imbalance occurs it give rise to changes in the
mensuration cycle and apart from this stress can cause severe cramping, bloating and mood
swings of PMS.
Sexual problems: Chronic stress can cause low libido , dealing with so many concerns can
impact a person's sex life resulting in decline on sex drive. It can cause erectile dysfunction in
As we can see that stress can have various impacts in our physical health therefore proper
management of stress is very crucial to avoid all these circumstances. Taking care of our mental
health is very important , as mental health is no different from our physical health , it is
directly related to one another. As sound mind leads to sound body.
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